Thursday, October 25, 2012

Paranormal Activity

Music is the core of every film I watch. It determines whether I am scared, inspired, or hopeful. Music brings life to the actions that can't be brought forth by any words. Music is a language of it's own. When there isn't music there is just silence. Ominous, ere silence. A silence so powerful that it can change the chemical reaction in the brain to feel fear creeping upon the heart.

Paranormal Activity uses the element of silence to convey the mood of confusion and desolation. Emotions that emphasize the supernatural evidence of demons and ghosts. What will happen next? The audience never really knows due to the fact that there isn't any music there to cue them about a certain pop up. All there is in the background is the a humming noise which can cause a bit of paranoia. The director of the piece obviously did this on purpose to give the movie a more realistic feel to it, more like a documentary. I don't think they were certain that the silence would have an effect on the moods of the audience. The power of silence can make a difference in the way people feel and act. It didn't help that the theater only had 8 people in there, so it made the movie a little bit more intriguing.

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